Chandragupta Maurya

  • Indian, may have known Macedonian conqueror
  • drove out remaining Greek forces
  • took over capital city Pataliputra
  • proclaimed himself ruler in 313 BCE
  • Arthasastra detailed book that dealt with theory and practice of government and laws and administration of Mauryan Empire
  • ruled 24 years
  • Megasthenes wrote detailed accounts of his life
  • Chandragupta days divided into 90 minute segments
  • Bindusara (slayer of foes), his son, succeeded him in 297 BCE and ruled until 272

Emperor Asoka

(Morality Ruler)

  • given major responsibilities as governor in two strategically located provinces in NW
  • Buddhist sources tell of a war of succession in which Asoka defeated his inept elder brother and then had all other brothers killed
  • firmly in control of largest empire in Indian history between 269-268 BCE
  • little known of first eight years of reign
  • conquest of Kalinga changed the direction of his government and personal life due to remorse
  • he had his laws and pronouncements carved on stone pillars and rock surfaces throughout empire
  • convened Third Buddhist Council at Pataliputra around 240 BCE
  • died around 232 BCE, sons and grandsons divided up the empire, last king of the main branch of line killed in 185
  • Quotes: “All men are my children,” At all times and in all places, whether i am dining or in the ladies apartments, official reporters should keep me informed,” “all sects deserve reverence for one reason or another. By thus acting a man exalts his own sect and at the same time does service to the sects of other people.”