This “Mandate of Heaven” developed in early Ancient China around 1100 BC during the Chou Dynasty with the Chou dukes. The idea encompassed the rule of legitimacy in the sense that the ruler was chosen by Heaven and maintained its favor so long as he governed well. If the ruler neglected his duties at anytime such as not dealing with catastrophe well, he can be overthrown based on a moral act and lose Heaven’s mandate.

The “Mandate of Heaven” can be progressive and almost modern in two different ways:


  • a lesson in politics
  • brought a system of checks and balances
  • forced ruler to govern to the favor of the people in order to keep his role in power
  • brought accountability to the ruler


  • ruling based upon a higher power/being
  • brought moral order and accountability
  • sense of faith and trust in Heaven to make right decisions
  • Ruler connecting with Heaven to make proper decision for the good of the people and his job
  • ruler to please Heaven and people to keep job

So, it was modern and progressive because it brought a form of rule to the land that the people could participate in and be able to oust the ruler out if he failed with his duties because he had fallen away from “Heaven’s mandate.”

As a Christian, I embrace the concept of a Mandate of Heaven because the decision i carry out in life are not carried by my mere thinking but with guidance from God. In addition, every day my actions are to be for the glory to God and show His love to His people. The only difference is that, I am not doing it to keep my job but because I WANT to and really do truly believe in Him.